Friday, January 06, 2006


How blessed do you feel right now?
How blessed do you feel when you first become a christian?
When you can really see the way that God is working in your life.
How do you feel when you are struggling?
When you cant see the way God is working in your life.
Do you doubt your faith?
Do you doubt your faithfulness?
Do you doubt the relationship you have?
Do you ask why you are feeling this way?
Do you wait for the answer?
Do you hear what God has to say?
or do you LISTEN to what God has to say?

The first question is a very important question. How blessed are you feeling right now.
This has been a question along with many others that i have been ponduring.
There are times in our lives where we may seem so strong, reliable, that we will never let anyone down. This is very trying and tiring. However when we step back and look at the bigger picture we can see much more than ourselves. often we can do so much to encourage other people without even knowing it. For a short time now i have watched a friend grow enormously. For a time i felt somewhat disbanded from God. I couldnt understand why i felt so drained, so powerless, so on my own. Then i began to spend more time with someone. And when i stepped back and looked at the bigger picture i saw something. I saw that when we work for God, God works in us, through us. When we feel so alone, we are not alone. God is carrying us. And through something which may seem so mundane or everyday i have become so blessed. Often although we may feel down, we dont understand why we feel this way, its because our focus is on ourselves. But when we step back and we see how God is working through us our battery's get recharged. Our blessed meter spirals out of control. We see that God is doing a tremendous work in our lives. And through an everyday event we are blessing others.
At the moment there is someone who is belssing me and they dont even know it.
to that person i say Thank you.