Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ray mears!!!!

I remember many years ago when i was a lad,
"Twas my first day at Halesowen college and later at UNIVERSITY also. The tutor decided to play one of those annoying ice breaker games whicheveryone dislikes but goes along with because they feel they have to. the game was you are lost on a desert Island and you have to pick one other person to be with you, who would you pick? well the thoughts which went through my head were amazingly complex, do you say your girlfriend, a member of your family, a fat guy so you can eat them if food is in short supply, But I chose RAY Mears! He is a survival expert and he rocks."
A peon said "whose ray mears?" what a fool was my reply how can somenone not know who Ray Mears is, However i did explain and it was all good.

Maybe I should have chosen Jesus maybe i should have stood up for my faith, but in thinking this and feeling guilty i suddenly thought.
I do not have to choose Jesus to go with me to a desert Island because he chose me, No matter where i go however LOST i feel Jesus is always there supporting me.

I wrote a song not so long ago when i felt down, it goes like this-

Delicatly placed, so precious to hold more valuble to me than warmth in cold, tightly cluthed into my chest, keep it safe nothing but the best, This way up make sure its safe, put exactly in its place, placed in a boxkeep it for a while, because my life to me is so fragile

Its so fragile

Helplessly left nothing to loose, by myself trapped in a world of blues, nobody cares bout what offerings i bring, by myself im left to sing, read the manual directs where to go, a real life to you i'll follow, not looking back but seeking your smile, because my life to me is so fragile

its so fragile

Confidently step into that upper room, act like i am on top of the moon, pass the cup say not what i want to hear, asks why my life is so full of fear, shows me how to be honest with myself, to act like im poor not like i have much wealth, relise that i am so insecure, im held up by your miracle cure

miracle cure

Realise you hold me not my strength but yours, without you my fragile heart would be torn you called me to you, you have chosen me, you sent your son he has set me free!!

copywrite to Andrew Hayward 2006

On sunday I was a little down because i missed an exam because they changed the date and I didnot realise and i do not know what i can do now. As i was listening to other peoplein the sharing time i was staring into space a i noticed i was looking through my 12" tom tom skin which is mirky because it has been played a lot and also it has two sheets with oil between them, anyway it is mirky it is difficult to see through and i realised that this is like our lives, sometimes we cannot see what is ahead clearly or see what lies ahead at all but we have got to be faithful to God because GOD is always Faithful to us, we need to trust that he knows best for us and what may seem strange coincidences are really GODINCIDENCES, No matter of the dark clouds which seem to hang above our heads, the sun is always shining!

Dont forget that.


Blogger Lemony Snickett said...

I saw a programme about Ray Mears in the jungle somewhere. He was teaching you how to set up the perfect camp. It involved packing things up in the opposite order. So that the thing you need first next time is on the top of your bag!
I thought wow! thats realy good. To be THAT organised and have the Forsite to plan ahead.
I would never bother. I guess Im just lazy!
...But you (ANDY) would always pack your bag like that. Even your wrestling bumbag had a special order! This is a good thing.

10:41 AM

Blogger rwj said...

the word bumbag is funnier when you say it slowly

2:35 PM


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